Sunday, February 1, 2015

Saratoga Springs Sage Hills Elementary Kindle suspects use tablets for archery … – Daily Herald

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Police were able this IDENTIFY two juveniles who are Suspected of burglarizing and vandalizing Sage Hills Elementary School multiple times in Saratoga Springs.

The two boys, 14 and 15 years old, were arrested and booked on Suspicion of burglary, vandalism and other charges connected to the case That Remains under police investigation.

“Those of the school district appreciate the work of the Saratoga Springs Police Department who really worked tirelessly on this case and brought it to a quick resolution, “said John Patten, Alpine School District Spokesman.

The first school break-in It was the night of Jan.5-6, the second on the night of Jan. 25-26 and the last on the night of Jan. Us Help 26-27.

Officers found That When The boys broke in the second time there were acts of vandalism, theft and graffiti. Items taken included the Kindle Fire tablets and the graffiti included the words “7 days down,” which was not seen as a threat but as a possible gang tag.

The last time the suspects broke into the school this commit acts of vandalism, theft and graffiti; the items taken included speakers and the graffiti included the words “6 days down.”

The countdown with the second mark was interpreted as a threat and Brad Rowley, the principal of Sage Hills Elementary, emailed to parents making them aware of the situation and the Increased security at the school.

After arresting the suspects, Investigators discovered the graffiti countdown That was Intended as the kids’ signature and is not a threat the school.

“They were able DETERMINE That is, it was not a threat to anyone, rather a marker or signature That they were leaving rather than a threat against the school,” said Owen Jackson, Saratoga Springs Spokesman.

evidently, the vandals got the countdown idea from a horror movie they had watched, Jackson said.

“They claimed they did not use it to threaten or anything just to goad them to ‘catch me,’ “Patten said.

Why they targeted Sage Hills Elementary is still a mystery.

” There was not anything in Particular that I heard, ” Jackson said. “One of the juveniles did go to the school Previously, but That is all I know.”

They had been getting into the school by breaking windows. Currently, damages at the school stand at $ 4,200, but the sum Will Likely Increase during the Alpine School District’s cost assessment to repair the facility and replace the stolen items.

“They did recover the tablets, however, they were destroyed using a bow and arrow, “Jackson said.

Saratoga Springs police detectives worked closely with the Alpine School District to provide your additional surveillance at the school. Measures were taken That included installing surveillance cameras and additional lighting, providing additional patrols and posting a school resource officer at the school.

“We’re grateful That it’s resolved and it does Provide students and parents with an added measure of safety, just that feeling of peace knowing it’s been taken care of, “Patten said.


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