I often hear the question, how to read publications written in pock on the reader Kindle. Today in comments on the Spider’s Web again met with such a question, and then instructed Crofflr. Because Crofflr is best spent $ 5. in my life.
Pocket is a service of “read later”. With mobile applications, browsers and extensions to the program to Maki, Pocket allows you to easily save the content found on the Web. With Pocketowi user creates his own list of articles, news and even videos and photo galleries, to which he wants to come back after a period of time.
Personally, I use Pocket in two ways. Firstly, I throw to him all the important news while taking journal clubs in RSS-ah. Adding all other curiosities, which get on the Web, and through the integration of Pocket, among others, with Twitter and Flipboard such pocketową putting forward the position on the list is really comfortable.
The pocket Add also some other materials – are all sorts of extensive publications, interviews, reviews, features and interesting articles. And just in case such content using the features offered Crofflr said.
How does Crofflr?
Crofflr allows you to create a digital magazine based on the publication added to Pocket. In practice it works so that all entries in the Pocket, which are indicated by a pre-defined tags, automatically are sent to the Kindle.
Source: crofflr.com
Every day, at a specific time on my Kindle’u appears Crofflr magazine that contains all publications which added to Pocket from the time of dispatch of the previous store.
How do I set Crofflr?
First, go to the website and create an account Crofflr . You can also log in using an existing Google account, from which personally I use.
The service is paid and costs $ 5. The fee is jednodnorazowo and use of the service does not require any additional costs. What’s more, you can request a refund after sending the first magazine (but still before sending a second). Therefore, at the beginning of the adventure of Crofflr worth adding a few publications to Pocket (remember to tag – but more on that in a moment) and have the authority eyes to see how it works.
When you log in to your account Crofflr need to configure the service:
- Amazon account (tab Manage Your Kindle) add the address delivery@crofflr.com, as one who will be able to send content on our Kindle.
- In the settings Crofflr (tab Your Delivery) kindle’owy enter our email address for example. imienazwisko@kindle.com.
- Then in Crofflr (tab Schedule) set the time of day where each day the magazine will be prepared and sent to the Kindle.
- Now just in Crofflr (tab Services) set the tag of the entries from Pocket will be sent to your Kindle. In the “Filter by tag” enter an appropriate name tag – I have set myself the tag “nakindle”. And ready.
Although the possibility of Crofflr are much bigger, you can automate the dispatch of e-books on Dropbox and email, but I never had the need to use these features.
It should, however, review the settings a little more closely than those described above the minimum configuration. With additional options Crofflr action can personalize and customize it to fit your needs.
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