For a long time I thought about buying a reader, a chance to hit in the area in August 2015. In the Amazon was a pretty big promotion. After calculation, it turned out that despite the promotion of more profitable to buy a reader for Allegro from Polish invoice, which I was able to put himself in costs. Buying on Allegro reader, which Amazon sells only officially been directly affected by a slight uncertainty. Reflecting on, what do I found a few hours to promote the reader in the online shop xkomu. There has, however, “a little” better opinion than Allegro users account, which he can hide each. For this no problems with exposure FV.
And so after 2 days I could pick up in the living room Kindle Paperwhite 3, which I bought for 539zł Gross, after throwing in the cost of the final price a little fall.
Why Kindle Paperwhite 3?
I decided on a Kindle because of its popularity in the world market and winning most of the readers. This caused
- wiele material online about your device,
- A large selection of accessories as eg. Cover,
- most of the shops provides integration with Kindle, thanks you purchased a book we can immediately send to the device.
at the time of my purchase was available as a newer (and more expensive) Kindle Voyage. His several improvements not convinced me to give larger amounts, so I decided just to Paperwhite 3.
Where to buy this model today?
At the beginning we have to choose which model best meets our requirements. Most models Kindli has to choose the version with wifi and wifi + 3g. I have a version with only wifi and I think it is sufficient. I hooked the reader to the home network and the company, or in places where I spend the most time. Synchronization of new materials in these two places is enough for me. With the 3G version of the book all synchronizing us immediately.
The second issue is cheaper versions where the devices appear to us ads with Amazon. In practice, contacting the support team can ask for exemption advertising, because we Poles do not have a great value. For me, all it took about 10 minutes. On the internet you can find guides where you just copy a ready formula of English, eg. Here.
Pricing and comparison with other models can be found here. If you decide to buy it is worth to track promotions, eg. Last weekend price just Kindle Paperwhite 3 in the Italian branch of Amazon on the occasion of Mother’s Day was reduced by 20 euros.
Advantage reader on the book traditional
on the internet you can find many articles about the superiority of the reader of the book they most often repeated are:
- ability to have a large library in a small device,
- most new readers have a backlight, so we can read without additional light source,
- the screen does not light in our face as it does in mobile phones, tablets, etc., so that our eyes get tired a lot slower,
- very good viewing angles,
- no notifications from anything – we focus only on reading,
- very long work on the battery, not what the latest mobile phones and smartwatch;)
- built-in and additional dictionaries to verify the meaning of a word or its translation,
- the ability to upload content in multiple formats.
Through my mild visual impairment most appreciate the ability to set the size and font type and backlight. Reading the “ordinary” books have to be perfect (for you) lighting to read me comfortable and relaxed here this problem does not occur with the ability to set the level of the backlight.
Maybe now invent, but while reading some books very upset I execute the books that have a small margin at the edge or hard to be opened. Here we have a flat device comfortable to hold in your hand with the ideal “access” to the text.
The device itself is very simple. At the front of the screen, below the logo, and on the lower edge of the micro USB port for charging and uploading data and a button to turn on and wake the device.
Thanks to the cover, which holds a magnet reader wakes up automatically when you open and lower button did not use it.
the same device I bought a cover of Allegro, costing a few pounds. Its advantage is a bar that allows reliable grip the reader.
How do you take the book?
At the moment we have a lot of sources of books. In the Polish internet you will find many bookstore offering ebooks. Sam usually I use due to the subject of most of the books (programming, computer science) and a 10% discount, that any minute I get.
To find a specific title you can use the price comparison. If the books do not need right away, but we want to add it to our library you can set notifications on and get notifications when our book will be in the promotion.
Many free books can also be found on the page wolnelektury Forum where recently downloaded and read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer;)
When buying books already about half a year, I learned that it is worth waiting for promotions. For example, mentioned on the occasion of his birthday can lower prices to 10-20zł for most positions.
Likewise, other bookstores often earn just to sell more items at lower prices.
the blog daily shows the current list of promotions that should follow an example here.
you should also keep track of the type of actions bookrage where “how much we” can buy a package of books the author or on a particular topic.
Articles reader
In addition to books on the device I read a lot of articles. Most often read through the articles on your computer with the longest feedly using extensions to Chroma I send just for the reader. This when in range known a wifi network article downloads and enable me to read it.
On the sides of the Amazon we can find other programs from the “Send To Kindle,” as such. Application for Android, which occasionally I use.
Other ways to deliver content to the reader
the basic method of throwing books on the reader to connect it to your computer and dropping files. The second, simpler is the ability to set your account Amazon’s e-mail address assigned to our unit. Thanks to a newly purchased book can simply send an e-mail. In this link you can find a comparison of the two forms, it makes no sense that I wrote it again;)
Personally, I usually send the books to the device straight from the store where I bought it. This requires usually set up an email address in the store, but we do it only once:)
RSS is a Kindle?
Personally, in providing materials for the Kindle I miss only one thing. Some blogs and sites that I follow serve long articles, which comfortably read just on the reader. I dream of a service that will check every few hours defined my RSS feeds and automatically send them to my reader.
In the absence of such a solution I decided to write something yourself. At the moment, the skeleton of the entire application is written, but I came across two problems.
The first is the encoding, sending materials Polish characters are bushes;) I think I’ll give yourself a moment to spare, and I will return to the issue in a few days.
the second issue is “pulling” content of the article from the page. RSS feed, on which I test the entire article serves in feedzie, so you have an easier task, but in the future it will certainly be a problem, because most of the pages serves only part of the article that the user entered the site. Could use a mechanism of Pocket, which extracts the contents of the article:)
What is not suitable reader?
To read books / publications where we have a lot of charts, tables of data, images and pictures . On the device with a 6-inch black and white screen we will not have the benefit of such material. With PDFami it is sometimes hard, if they are filled with only text, you can try to convert them, but the effects are not always the best. If the font is large enough, you can change the orientation of the reader to landscape – currently read as one item as a convenient way.
If you frequently work with PDFami can consider the Sony DPT-S1 – reader 13-inch on ebay you can find some of the auction;)
It’s hard to read the book where we meet a typical programming code blocks, they are often scattered over several sites and lines wrapped to the next. Very often in such positions of the same code watched on your computer in PDF;)
Successor Paperwhite 3
At the moment we have two newer readers of Kindle.
Kindle Voyage
source: amazon. com
From its predecessor it is different to have buttons to change pages, display a higher quality and a greater number of LEDs doświetlających screen. A small addition is the light sensor, so that the machine can self adjust the backlight.
Kindle Oasis
This is the newest member of the family Kindli its premiere It took place in April this year. It has a different shape and two batteries – one built-in reader, the other in the cover. First impressions can be seen in the material from our website and compare it to previous models, you can read the blog
What Kindle choose today?
I am from your device very happy and my I do not think it pays to be exchanged for newer models. Those who are planning to buy only the reader may think. I am personally not convinced more of the LEDs doświetlających and the screen better because the one who has Paperwhite 3 is good enough.
As I mentioned, this is one of my best purchases last months. Reader I am always with you reading in public transport. Its advantage is that it easily fits in your pocket;)
Do you have questions or something missed? Let me know;)
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