Kindle reader Oasis is unique in many respects. First of all, I want to draw attention to the fact that the only Kindle promoted on the Polish market.
I admit that I was surprised, because the Polish buyer is not considered to be wealthy or who love literature, and yet we are shown e-book reader that costs as much as four tablets, three readers Kindle Touch 7 or two InkBooki Obsidian (and still be on the books and cases).
For that price, however, hides a certain logic, I’m following in the price list of the Amazon for a long time. Kindle 7 costs 80 euros, and the Premium cover 110 euros. Already for 140 euros you can have the Kindle Paperwhite, which cover premium costs 190 euros … the same as the Kindle Voyage, which in turn cover premium costs 280 euros. So you can throw a few euros and buy Kindle Oasis. I think if someone gave 280 euros for Kindle Voyage with a leather cover, you will not have any problems with reaching out after about 10 euros (44 gold) more expensive Kindle Oasis on subsequent purchases. In this way, small steps Amazon can convince the customer that the Kindle Oasis is not so expensive.
When designing the Amazon Kindle Oasis departed from the traditional, proven design. This is the first reader of this producer, which is asymmetric. The market is a rarity, and I think not without reason. Sam will read on the device symmetrical, preferably having buttons to switch pages on the sides. Keeping the reader tie the one hand is to me in some elusive way uncomfortable. Probably a matter of habit. When you rotate the screen reader adapts to the new position, so you can quietly “change hands”. In the settings of the reader can also switch function keys side. For me, more intuitive is set to “reverse”.
Problems will be people who have e-books from sources other than Amazon’s bookstore. The reader only supports formats AZW, AZW3, TXT, MOBI and PRC natively, as well as HTML, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP files after conversion. We must in any case be careful when downloading purchases of electronic bookstore to choose the appropriate format. Usually bookstores offer the ability to download files MOBI, and sometimes also automatically send them to the Amazon cloud, so do not expect anyone to have problems because of this. One must know that one way to upload their own books for Kindle is to send him assigned to the Amazon account e-mail, for example
One should also know that books bought from the store Amazon have several advantages over coming from outside the bookstore. When reading and reading books intricate plots, you can use the X-ray , which clearly gives information about the appearances of the character. You can also view the most important quotes, which allows you to instantly “embrace” threads.
Made for language learning, if it comes to English
Apparently, instead of the interface language to translate into Polish, Amazon will teach us all English. While reading, you can of course use dictionaries of the English language Wikipedia. Unfortunately, dictionaries do not translate into Polish, so you have a solid foundation of language, to use this feature.
Another useful mechanism is Word Wise , which displays a summary definitions of words between the lines. This system has several levels, so if you show definitions of words known to the reader, you can raise the bar.
The educational values Kindle Oasis can provide a module Free Time . Parents can create a profile for children, add to it the appropriate books and school reading, and set goals to achieve – for example, the number of pages to read each day.
To encourage regular reading have badges and trophies. Unfortunately, the profile of the child does not give full potential in Poland, because it works best in conjunction with a subscription to Amazon FreeTime and dedicated tablet for children. Then the parents can not only set goals but also time constraints with the tablet, can view photos taken by children and so on.
Of course, in Polish books of these facilities do not exist, so if you encounter incomprehensible word, you have to reach for the Dictionary of Polish Language in a different way. Here we are approaching the huge flaws in my opinion, an exclusive reader, placed on the Polish market – there is no Polish interface, dictionaries or keyboard. While it may be safe to assume that a person willing to spend over a thousand zlotys to the device for reading books will not feel wronged English interface, the keyboard is no longer a problem. It can not be culturally write a review on Goodreads, or Facebook.
Without login not you read
It is difficult to say whether it is an advantage or drawback – Kindle Oasis is one of these devices, which can not be used without creating an account. In this case, the first uruchoemieniu need to log in to your account Amazon, combine them with Goodreads, may be optionally added Facebook or Twitter, and at the end you have to view the tutorial. This solution has its drawbacks, attaches the reader to a “ecosystem” and significantly delaying the time to read the first book. In the long run, however, link your Amazon is very convenient. If someone has already had a Kindle, no matter where, will not have problems with change. Readers Amazon for years operated the same way, for what should be another praise.
One of the advantages is the ability to send the aforementioned books by e-mail, which can be more convenient than kabelek. Besides, since I have a few friends on Goodreads, I immediately on the Home screen to see their activity quickly check what they read, if they like, and what book service recommended to me (unfortunately analogous native solutions for the moment I am not convinced). In this respect, Amazon perfectly planned also home screen reader, where in addition to their books, I also see the avatars of friends and covers of their books. I dare to write that “my company” Kindle Oasis have enjoyed thanks to great interest.
I can not praise for how the Kindle Oasis presents quotes on Facebook. Entry looks nice, but add to it a cover and a link to a description of the book store Amazon a little triumph of form over content. But I am an advocate of sharing the same text.
So many social features require frequent connecting to the Network. I tested the Kindle model Oasis is equipped with Wi-Fi (802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n-enabled WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPS) and 3G, there is also a cheaper model with only Wi-Fi. 3G does not need a SIM card and works wherever “catch” any network coverage in more than 100 countries in which Amazon has agreements with operators. As a result, absolutely free, you can browse through a library of Amazon and buy the book. In dozens of countries can also be viewed websites in the experimental web browser, but this is not a comfortable solution for two reasons – E Ink screen is not used for such activities, and besides, the browser is not particularly stable. In Poland, the 3G Kindle works fine.
E Ink does not have to be free
E Ink screens due to their design, changing the displayed image with some delay, and besides, it happens, that will be visible to them “ghosts”, ie remnants of the previous view … but it does not have to be that way. The Kindle Oasis was mounted fastest and finest screen E Ink, which I saw. Refreshing the screen acts quickly, probably twice as fast as in the “average” reader, there are no “ghosts” or imperfections. By the way, let me remind you that the rumors said that Oasis will see the screen type Liquavista, but still Amazon decided to E Ink, the same as the Kindle Voyage.
The screen resolution is 1448 × 1072. With such a pixel size has no chance to be able to be seen reading and experience przebiegania scanned the text are really excellent. What’s more, 10 LEDs illuminate the screen gives a very even illumination and a large scale adjustment. I compared their abilities with their inkBookiem: brightest setting Kindle is much brighter than inkBooka (the pictures on the right), and a minimum illumination Kindle practically not visible. If someone is planning to read in total darkness and not disturb others, it will be the perfect setting, and because the side buttons protrude slightly above the casing, navigation in the book it will not be a problem.
maximum brightness
The minimum brightness
I have the impression that the lighting is cooler than the Kindle inkBooka. Larger adjustable screen brightness to compensate and make it no matter what the conditions, reading Oasis is a pleasure without side effects.
Well, as long as we have this pleasure? Kindle battery is not large – only 250 mAh (3.7 V), which allows you to use for a week or two, depending on how much to read on it. It is not surprising that small rechargeable battery, when dealing with a housing measuring 3.4 mm thick at its thinnest point. The exact dimensions of Kindle Oasis is 143 × 122 × 3,4-8,5 mm.
With the help comes leather cover with a second battery with a capacity of 1290 mAh. With it, you can use the Kindle for a few weeks (the manufacturer gives 8, but I did not have the reader long enough to be able to confirm this). Standby time further increases recently implemented mechanism of hibernation, so that unused reader is ready to act very, very long time (no one knows exactly how much ;-)). The cover is adjusted so as not to increase significantly the size of the reader. Closed or open is held together by magnets and its opening will automatically wake up the reader. The only thing you might miss is the ability to bring the reader, which provides cover for the model Voyage. Despite the many advantages of animal rights activists decided to cover for Kindle Oasis boycott because it is made of natural leather. There are three colors in our editorial established itself black.
Profile Woblinka Facebook recently saw an ad that perfectly describes the Kindle Oasis: never leave the house without a Kindle. Not always read, but I’m always ready for that. Oasis is just such a – perfectly mobile, battery discharge is bordered on the miraculous, you can be read in all conditions, and thanks to 3G will never run out of books to read (although to be reckoned with the necessity of reading in English, which fortunately is not difficult thanks to the built-in codebook). The biggest disadvantage of this reader, that is, the lack of Polish language, one could fix software update, if Amazon decides to make such a nod to the Polish market. From the hardware I see it as a product well made and I have nothing to reproach him.
Price is probably the only thing that can cool the enthusiasm before buying Kindle Oasis. In the German Amazon reader from cover costs 289.99 euros. The version with 3G, which is such, as tested by me, it costs 349.99 euros. That’s a lot, but sometimes it’s worth paying for luxury. I’m sure that the Kindle will find Oasis in Poland buyers who will appreciate it.