Man is a social being. For most of us, relationships with loved ones is one of the most important aspects of life. But not always put them on our way. Sometimes it happens that we do not know for what reason we can not come to an agreement, which spends us awake at night.
You get the impression that the person who is close to you treats you badly? You think this is a toxic relationship? Take in our discussions and win e-book reader Kindle ! Competition Details below.
“ Toxic system ” in the channel ID is a chilling series of stories about people with double faces. You thought the legendary Louis Stevenson’s novella from 1886 “Doctor Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde” is a fabricated story? Are you sure you minded neighbors to help carry the shopping is only an exemplary citizen of the American suburbs? Nothing could be further from the truth! “Toxic system” is a perfect proof of how illusory is the impression which we refer to every day to encounter people. Why? Because the “toxic system” is based on facts.
Each story took place in reality. In each episode viewers will see fictionalized reconstruction of events. Listen to the accounts of people who have given themselves deceived, and whose life was turned upside down when the light started to go out shocking secrets of their family members, close friends or co-workers.issue in Wednesday , in the chair. 21.30 and 22.00 on the channel ID.
Are you sure that all of your loved ones know a hundred percent? Or perhaps you feel that the relationship with some of them are toxic? It may have happened this type of stories in your neighborhood? Share your experience and review the history of toxic system .
What to do to win:
- Join ofeminin.pl Club , or log in if you have an account with ofeminin.pl
- Take part in the discussion and have your say on this article. Topic competition also find our forum
- rewarded the most interesting speeches and most active participants of the discussion
- 1 x Kindle or modern e-book reader for the most interesting stories about toxic system and an anthology of short stories Fri “Seven deadly sins”
- for the most active participants in the discussion 3x “cosmetic gift” from ofeminin.pl + book “7 Deadly Sins” and for the next three active participants discussed the book “7 Deadly Sins”
25 April 2013.
Feel free to discuss!
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