Amazon has prepared the largest in years update for its Kindle e-book readers. This time it’s not about some minor corrections or just a new font – changes the interface.
Readers e-books from Amazon has grown to become the legend. It’s so ebookowym iPhones in the world, but which are not extremely exaggerated prices, the shape of the Apple phone. Sam offended at some point in the Amazon and went towards solutions androidowych, but a year ago, with tail tucked back a “mongrel”. Amazon, unlike competitors, does not try to force the product to create an all-in-one. Kindle specialized equipment in just one function, the primary and most important, which is reading books.
The level of perfection reached by the American company is visible in the extremely rare software updates. There’s no experiments on customer – always get a perfectly polished, stable software, operating perfectly after pulling the device out of the box. Simple but not simplistic. Doing his own, without having to think about the hardware – focus solely on reading . It is therefore not surprised me little last year’s update that the only thing she did, it has added a font Bookerly, the novelty had brought along with the launch of the Kindle Paperwhite III.
A completely new look menu
This time, the scale of change is much greater. First of all, we get a new look of the main menus and the upper beam system. The latter is finally narrower and has a more readable icons. New cog icon leads to rapid action , such as adjusting the backlight, the inclusion of the flight mode and sync books from Amazon server. In addition, here we find a shortcut to the full settings.
Below are shown the covers of three’ve recently read, and to the right of them a personalized recommendation system based on the wish list created in a bookstore Amazon, the list of desired books on the site Goodreads, and free chapters downloaded from the Kindle Store. at the bottom the screen will see 4 more recommended books, as long as the function of recommendations have not deactivated in the settings of the reader (along with a whole new look main menu).
the recommendations, based on absorbed by the Amazon site Goodreads, is now much more effective. Shortly after the software update, we are invited to choose from a list of books titles that seem interesting to us. It’s a personalized offer access to e-books, the accuracy will increase with each successive the read books. This means breaking out of the existing recommendations based only on the history of shopping in a store Amazon. What is important for Polish users, buyers ebooks in local bookstores, all these recommendations can easily turn off .
In the same library default has become a grid view books (finally without the annoying message” personal “ at positions outside the shop Amazon). We do not have a separate view documents in the cloud and those on the device. We can see or all files in a combined view, or only those already downloaded to the reader.
Refreshed settings for text display and the new font
display settings text with a view spanned passed on window with three tabs. the first, by default actuated tab is the choice of font and the other “the” leading to the page settings, such as line spacing, margins, and text layout, and a third way to display information about the progress in reading.
the most interesting is with the tab on the choice of font, because care has been here additional font called opendyslexic . as the name suggests, it is designed to facilitate reading for people suffering from dyslexia. like the other seven fonts, the new proposal Amazon is available with Polish characters. In case if your ebook was additionally stitched own font appears in the list even ninth position “Publisher font”.
Convenient sharing quotes
As befits dominated by social media digital world, directly from the reader Amazon can instantly share interesting quote from the book. Select the text, select “Share” and soon the quote goes on Goodreads, Facebook or Twitter. Contrary to the first comments, the function works not only for publications purchased in the store Amazon, but also those of other bookstores. The published quote can also attach your comment.
Amazon again omitted when updating the Kindle Paperwhite I. Software version 5.7.2 available is for the reader:
- Kindle 7,
- Kindle Paperwhite II,
- Kindle Paperwhite III,
- Kindle Voyage.
Currently, you can install it by downloading the appropriate file *. bin at this address. About 200-megabyte file must be copied to the root of the reader, select “Menu” button, from the displayed list “Stettings” and here again, “Menu”, a drop-down list “Update Your Kindle.” The update process takes a few minutes, not recommended to start it when the battery level is low.
If you do not take to update on their own, in the coming weeks it will look for compatible readers automatically (by Wi- Fi).
What was missing?
no, I still interface reader was not spolszczony . Wishlist still also remains problematic mending service covers of books sent to the reader via e-mail (non-Kindle Store). The latter issue, as long as we do not want to use the manager Calibre, can be overcome by using a free tool ExtractCoverThumbs. It works well with the new version of the reader software. After unpacking start the application, select the directory tree of our reader and press start. After a while, we have a full menu covers.
In my opinion, the changes introduced by Amazon is definitely a plus. The recommendation probably run once (more if Amazon is interested in Polish), but for now I buy books elsewhere. Right now I’m happy but a simpler path to frequently used functions and less waste of screen space by the upper beam system.
Geek full fledged – because after all that has Bluetooth is better. By profession spec telecoms and photographer, privately multikonsolowiec and ebookoholik. How not sitting at the computer, it probably takes pictures.