devices with the Kindle line love not only for the excellent quality, very readable screen good quality and relatively low price. About my choice of Amazon’s e-book reader as a supplier also decided to support the manufacturer’s entire ecosystem services around the equipment. This in turn becomes a better and better, and combines cloud kindlowa now Amazon Cloud Drive. I just hope that this is just the beginning of the integration, because it still does not work fully as one might wish.
I love the Kindle cloud for a lot of amenities. Synchronization library and simplified to the limit transfer purchased books at the top of the list. A really cool thing is that after a single addition to the account purchased in a. Mobi books of Polish bookstore can be read on any podpiętym device to your Amazon account. Regardless of whether you happen to have a hand reader, tablet or phone, I can continue reading from where I finished recently. All library and information about the last read page in the item sync between my mobile appliances.
Amazonowi obviously depends on this, but I just bought the book at them.
Whispersync synchronization capabilities is designed primarily for users, of course, buying books directly from Amazon, but the company decided to expand the service to files outside the shop, which has been sent to the device over the air. Books, text documents and articles from the network, you can add to your library by mail or dedicated applications and extensions to the browser Send to Kindle, as well as the entire mass of unofficial clients. As a result, the usefulness of Kindle, especially in countries such as Poland, where Amazon is not officially available, greatly increases.
Recently, however, I began to fear that Amazon przyblokuje the ability to upload to their cloud tense own Kindle readers materials and books. At the end of the company, Jeff Bezos is remarkably does not suit the situation in which I use on the device materials, for which I paid elsewhere. Do not be surprised if the synchronization of materials outside the shop was finally turned off. After all, in the case of these subsidized products marketed with a minimum margin, or even at a loss, Amazon earns content.
Fortunately, Amazon went in a completely different direction.
Not only that Amazon does not block books and files sent wirelessly to your readers, it’s still easier to manage them . Recently introduced is nowe Manage a Kindle menu , which helps manage kupionymi books, apps, audiobooks, and uploaded documents to the section called “Personal Documents”. It turned out that this was just the beginning of change.
Due to the absence of the Amazon in our country few people probably realize that the company, Jeff Bezos is “your Dropbox”. Amazon Cloud Drive is the drive Amazon, which works similarly to other products of this type, but is prepared for customers submerged in the Amazon ecosystem. In our use of it does not make much sense – there are better and more convenient alternatives – but in the UK or in the U.S. a lot of people addicted to other services Amazon is holding the rest of the files, for convenience, a single provider.
So far, however, Amazon Cloud Drive was a separate entity.
Kindle has its own cloud and Whispersync synchronization service, but so far it was a solution that works independently of the Cloud Drive. This eventually changes. From now on all holders of readers see their books and documents in a separate folder in the cloud Amazon, where you can almost manage them, including simply delete multiple documents at the same time, they cease to be needed.
Thanks it will be possible too – finally! – Keeping a backup of books on your hard disk in the computer, which will be synchronized with the official application that works similarly to the client software on computers Windows and Mac from other service providers; there are also aplikacje mobile and access via the internet. Persons who have so far built parallel library of e-books on their Dropbox should be happy, because you can build finally complete archive directly to Amazon.
combination of both clouds allow it also access their original files.
You will be able to finally get to these files, which he sent to the server, and not only documents converted by Amazon AZW format. Importantly, the book will be drawn from the Amazon cloud to another device without the need for mediation as a reader (so far rip on the reader and connect it via USB to the computer was the only way).
Holders of the Kindle family of devices should also cheer that is connected to the space for user data. From now on Amazon, customers who choose to purchase the reader, will have a package of 10 free GB (5 GB or connect with Cloud Drive 5 GB of cloud Kindle). Of course, for people for whom this space is insufficient, prepared pay packages.
However, I hope that this is just the beginning.
Integration of documents sent to the Amazon cloud with a classic drive in the cloud is a very good idea, but so far it is not a complete integration. Now, yes, we have access to uploaded classic (application or e-mail) of the materials from the Amazon Cloud Drive, but it works … only one way. You can not add new book from the application disk or website.
I hope that in the future sending of e-books outside the library creators of the Kindle will be possible through a simple easy to upload a file to disk in the cloud using website or desktop application and mobile. Certainly simplify the further management of your library. Today, unfortunately, the materials you need to add a classic (mail or application), and the level of Cloud Drive you can only download and delete.
Still, I’m happy with this news, because it shows that Amazon does not want to give up support for the user’s documents in the cloud, and constantly makes life easier for users.
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